Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sidewalk Chalk

With summer vacation soon arriving I thought I'd post a few craft ideas/tips I've found for the kids for summer. The first is giant sidewalk chalk- and I mean GIANT!

Sidewalk Chalk

Toilet tissue tubes (or yougurt containers, muffin tins)
Duct tapt
Waxed paper
3/4 Cup water
Disposable container and spoon
1 1/2 cups plaster of paris
2-3 Tbsp powdered tempera paint

1. Cover one end of each tube with duct tape. Loosely roll up pieces of waxed paper and slip them into the tubes as lieners.

2. Pour the water into a disposable plastic container. sprinkle the plaster of paris a little at a time, until the powder no longer dissolves. Stir throughly with the spoon then mix, then mix in the tempera paint. (Note: don't rinse the spoon in the sink, setting plaster will harm plumbing!)

3. Place the molds sealed end down on a level surgace and pour in wet plaster. Lightly tap the sides of the tubes to release air bubbles in the plaster. Let the chalk harden for a couple of days then peel off the molds.

Source: Disney Family Fun

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